Clear Vision Residential Treatment Services
For Female Adolescents

Clear Vision is a 25 bed staff secure residential service licensed by the Department of Human Service. CV is fully staffed 24/7. Residents are supervised by staff members during waking hours, and bed checks are done minimally every 15 minutes throughout the night. Staff to resident ratio is 1/6 during waking hours. Staff to resident ratio is 1/12 during sleeping hours. We provide care for adolescent females, adjudicated delinquent or dependent, who require placement services outside the home for social, emotional, and behavioral problems.
While all referrals are evaluated/interviewed on an individual basis, appropriate adolescent females should be between the ages of 12-18, able to live in a staff-secured environment and pose no serious threat to themselves or to others. Clear Vision also accepts girls who are pregnant. All residents are required to attend school managed by BLaST IU17, through the public school system of Montgomery Area School District, Lycoming county.
Clear Vision is a goal oriented program (not a level system). Adolescent females who have a violent assault history, severe mental health issues or who are actively psychotic typically would not be appropriate candidates.
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